ESG Leading Enterprise Awards


As the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, cascading impacts of climate change and heightened geopolitical tensions continue to pose critical threats to the world, countries urgently need to collaborate to address these common challenges. The 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference resulted in all participating countries agreeing on the Glasgow Climate Pact. The package of decisions includes committing to reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by 45% over the next decade; accelerate the deployment of clean power systems and phase-down of coal power; and enhance provision of financial support to developing countries to tackle climate change.

To step up Hong Kong's climate action, in October 2021 the Government announced Hong Kong's Climate Action Plan 2050, committing to devote about HK$240 billion in the next 15 to 20 years to take forward various measures on climate change mitigation and adaptation. In the following month, the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (SEHK) published the Guidance on Climate Disclosures, aimed to assist listed issuers in preparing climate change reporting that align with the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and help companies assess their response to climate risks. The SEHK also separately published the Analysis of IPO Applicants’ Corporate Governance and ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) Practice Disclosure in 2020/2021, in which it recommends IPO applicants to conduct a thorough analysis and assessment to identify material ESG risks, as well as consider making appropriate disclosure on climate-related issues and initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and facilitate the transition to a low-carbon economy.

As one of the most influential business magazines in Hong Kong with a global vision and Greater China connection, the Chinese Edition of Bloomberg Businessweek keeps a keen focus on the development of ESG standards. We are delighted to partner with Deloitte again in co-presenting the fourth year of ESG Leading Enterprise Awards. By recognizing Hong Kong-listed companies and asset management companies with outstanding ESG performance, the Awards aims at encouraging enterprises to strive for excellence in ESG practices, ultimately to foster a sustainable business culture with positive impact on the environment and society.



香港亦加快步伐,在2021年10月,香港政府公布《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》,預期將在未來15至20年間投放約2,400億港元,推行各項減緩和適應氣候變化的措施。同年11月,聯交所亦刊發氣候信息披露指引,協助發行人按氣候相關財務信息披露建議(Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures,簡稱「TCFD」)作出匯報,有助企業評估如何應對氣候變化所引起的風險,更對首次公開招股申請人在企業管治,和環境、社會及管治(ESG)常規情況作出建議,當中強調企業應就 ESG 作全面分析和評估,以識別重大 ESG 風險,並考慮適當披露與氣候相關的問題和減少碳排放的措施,加快實現綠色經濟。

作為區內具國際視野及影響力的財經雜誌,《彭博商業周刊/中文版》一直聚焦 ESG 的發展,今年將再度與德勤攜手舉辦第四屆「ESG 領先企業大獎」,旨在表揚在 ESG 有傑出表現的上市公司與資產管理機構,鼓勵企業貫徹執行 ESG 策略,共同推動對環境和社會產生正面影響的可持續發展。

Award Categories

The Awards comprises three categories including the “ESG Leading Enterprise Awards”, “Leading ESG Initiative Awards” and “Theme Awards”. Hong Kong-listed companies and asset management companies are welcome to submit applications to one or more categories.  The results will be audited by a panel of judges to ensure the objectivity and credibility of the process.

評選活動共設「 ESG 領先企業」、 「ESG 領先項目」及「主題奬項」三個類別,香港上市公司與資產管理機構可參加多於一項奬項類別。評選結果將由專業評審團審核,以確保公信力及客觀性。



ESG Leading Enterprise Awards

In recognition of enterprises with the best ESG performance in its industry. Participating enterprises are divided into the following two categories according to their market capitalization^:

Category I: Market capitalization over HK$20 billion
Category II: Market capitalization below HK$20 billion

 ^As at the company’s recent financial year-end date.

ESG 領先企業奬

嘉許在各個行業當中 ESG 整體表現卓越的企業。參賽企業按不同行業界別及其市值分為以下兩個組別^。





ESG Leading Initiative Awards

Leading Environmental Initiative Awards
Leading Social Initiative Awards

In recognition of enterprises with excellent performance in “Environmental” or “Social” initiatives.

ESG 領先項目獎





Theme Awards

Crisis Management
ESG Investing
ESG Product Integrated Platform (New Category)

In recognition of enterprises with excellent performance in crisis management or ESG investing, and asset management companies with outstanding integrated platforms for ESG investment products, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and volatile markets.


ESG 投資

在疫情及市場變動等因素下,表彰在危機管理或 ESG 投資體現周詳策略與應對方案的企業,或在ESG 產品綜合平台表現卓越的資產管理機構。


Panel of Judges

Mr. Alvin Ho, CFA | Vice President and Society Secretary of CFA Society Hong Kong
何敏先生, CFA | 香港特許金融分析師學會副會長及學會秘書

Mr. Ernest Lee FCG HKFCG(PE) | President, The Hong Kong Chartered Governance Institute
李俊豪先生 FCG HKFCG(PE) | 香港公司治理公會會長

Ms. Carrie Leung, MH | Chief Executive Officer, The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers
梁嘉麗女士, MH | 香港銀行學會行政總裁

Mr. Christopher Lee | Board Director of the Hong Kong Securities and Investment Institute
李輝敏先生 | 香港證券及投資學會董事局成員

Prof. Yuk-fai Fong | Associate Dean (Taught Postgraduate) and Professor in Economics, Management and Strategy of HKU Business School
房育輝教授 | 港大經管學院副院長(碩士課程)及經濟學、管理及商業策略學教授

Prof. Carlos Lo Wing-Hung | Professor and Head of Department of Government and Public Administration, Director of Centre for Business Sustainability, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
盧永鴻教授 | 香港中文大學政治與行政學系系主任及商業可持續發展中心主任

Prof. Kar Yan Tam, MH, JP | Dean of School of Business and Management, Chair Professor of Information Systems, Business Statistics and Operations Management, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
譚嘉因教授, MH, JP | 香港科技大學工商管理學院院長及資訊、商業統計及營運學系講座教授

Prof. Li Che Lan Linda | Professor of Department of Public and International Affairs, Director of Research Centre for Sustainable Hong Kong, The City University of Hong Kong
李芝蘭教授 | 香港城市大學公共及國際事務學系教授、香港持續發展研究中心總監


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