Hong Kong’s fintech development has blossomed in recent years, including the launch of the Faster Payment System (FPS), the granting of eight virtual bank licences, the adoption of the open API framework by the banks and the creation of a blockchain-based trade finance platform. Financial Institutions have gradually adapted to this digital era to launch more innovative and diversified products and services. The changes will enhance the competitive edge of the financial service industry and maintain Hong Kong's status as an international financial centre.
Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition is proud to host the sixth year of “Financial Institution Awards”, which dedicated to supporting and recognizing those outstanding financial institutions. The Panel of Judges will review and evaluate the performances in the last year of the entries from Banking, Insurance and Securities sectors. Through rigorous assessment sessions, the “Excellence Award” will be granted to the highest score winner in each category under each sector while the “Outstanding Award” will also be given to the second-highest score winner in each category.
Organizer 主辦機構

Award Sectors

Financial Institution Awards 2020 covers 4 major sectors



General Insurance

Financial Institution Awards 2020 Details
“Excellence Award” will be granted to the highest score winner in each category under each sector
“Outstanding Award” will be given to the second highest score winner in each category
*No award shall be made in a category if there are less than 3 entries of merit.
2020 Winner List
- The Bank of East Asia Ltd.
- FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd.
- FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd.
- Tahoe Life Insurance Company Limited
FTLife Insurance Company Ltd.
- FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Ltd.
- 東亞銀行有限公司
- 富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
- 富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
- 泰禾人壽保險有限公司
- 富通保險有限公司
- 富衛人壽保險(百慕達)有限公司
Panel of Judges