Bloomberg Businessweek/Chinese Edition is delighted to host the “Top Funds To Watch” event for the tenth consecutive year. The event aims to recognize exceptional funds in the categories of Mutual Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), and Mandatory Provident Funds (MPFs), which provide the highest returns to investors. Additionally, it seeks to foster industry exchange and raise public awareness and understanding of their performances.
All assessments are based on market figures and historical data available on the Bloomberg Terminal. Among the three major categories, Mutual Funds are measured by market performance and asset classes in the past 12 months while Exchange Traded Funds are assessed on one-year tracking error and total return. Mandatory Provident Funds are assessed with 1-year, 5-year and 10-year total return figures.
《彭博商業周刊/中文版》很高興連續第十年舉辦「領先基金」活動,旨在表彰「互惠基金 Mutual Funds」、「交易所買賣基金 ETFs」及「強積金 MPFs」三大類別中,表現優秀、為投資者提供最高回報的基金項目。同時,大會期望透過活動促進基金業界的交流,提高公眾對基金表現的認識和理解。
Organizer 主辦機構

Gift Sponsor 禮品贊助


Guest of Honor
Mr. Joseph Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, The Government of Hong Kong SAR
Mr. Joseph Chan, JP, Under Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury, The Government of Hong Kong SAR
Hon Robert Lee, Legislative Council Member (Functional Constituency - Financial Services)
Dr. Rocky Tung, Director & Head of Policy Research, Financial Services Development Council
Mr. Joseph Lee, Director (Supervision), Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority
Prof. Tao Shu, Fung King Hey Memorial Chair Professor of Finance, Chairman, Department of Finance, CUHK Business School
Prof. Wilson Tong, Director, AMTD FinTech Centre, PolyU Business School
Dr. Alvin Ho, CFA, President, CFA Society Hong Kong
Mr. Chris Tse, CFP, Chairman, Institute of Financial Planners of Hong Kong
Mrs. Sally Wong, Chief Executive Officer, Hong Kong Investment Funds Association
Results Announcement